Sasaki Ryohei (Yamada Ryosuke), the second son of the Sasaki family, is a high school student who lives in Shimane. He has just been chosen to be the vice captain of the youth soccer club. Setting his sights on participating in the prefectural championship, Ryohei practices every day with his buddies. One day, Ryohei has a severe headache and is brought to the hospital. Ryohei is diagnosed with an acute brain tumor from the test results. The family is told by the doctor that Ryohei will not live long. However, Ryohei musters the strength to say, "I will win. I will beat the illness. " Given a push by his words, the Sasakis try to stay positive.
Ryosuke Yamada
Hidekazu Akai
Narumi Yasuda
Takahisa Masuda
Shota Shimoda
Yuka Itaya
Yoshihiko Inohara
Kazuyuki Asano
Naruki Matsukawa
Yoshiko Sengen
Shotaro Mamiya
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Umi Yamano
Show Kasamatsu