The story of a young, pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident. As her life unravels, Nathalie finds an unlikely protector in Henry, a down and out guardian angel who has followed her thread. But Henry is not quite the angel he seems...
Isabelle Blais
Zach Braff
Patrick Labbé
Julian Lo
Karine Lavergne
Aimee Lee
Pierre Gendron
Sean Lu
Anick Lemay
Nicole Braber
Graham Cuthbertson
Mylene Savoie
Tony Robinow
Joujou Turenne
Kyle Switzer
Ian Finlay
Shan Chetty
Anik Matern
Victor Andres Trelles Turgeon
Paul-Antoine Taillefer
Matthew McKay
Patrick Costello
Nicole Jones
Qamar Khokhar
Susan Bain
Paula Jean Hixson
Valérie Ouimet-Chiriaeff
William Phan
Richard Robitaille
Maximilien Garneau-Pillet
Robert Higden