While on their way to a Halloween bonfire, Seth and Laurie break down alongside a rural back road. Miles from civilization and without cell service, they set out in search of a gas station. To pass the time, they tell each other five grusome tales of ghastly horror. But unbeknownst to them, the real horror is lurking in the shadows and it has an unquenchable thirst for blood.
Tara O'Neil Andrews
Julio Bana Fernandez
Jason John Beebe
Whitney Causey Benson
Daniel Brooks
Matty Calhoun
Jeremy Clark
Matthew L. Furman
Ana Eliza S. Geli
Jesse L. Green
Luba Hansen
Daniel Johnson
Nicholas Knight
Alex Kukovich
C.J. Mack
Rosanna Nelson
Shawn C. Phillips
Yasmin Qudah
Darren Ricci
Bethany Shana
Heather Toth
Lester Trombone
Damian Valentine
Amber Lee Vincent
Gary Lee Vincent
Nadia White