A short film released alongside AFI's 2003 album Sing The Sorrow. The four members of AFI search to obtain a mysterious box that bears a resemblance to the album's artwork. There are two separate soundtracks for the film, one composed by AFI guitarist Jade Puget, and one composed by AFI bassist Hunter Burgan.
Davey Havok
Jade Puget
Hunter Burgan
Adam Carson
Luc Harrington
Danny Bengston
Brian Simpson
Efrian Gonzalez
Bryan Tiner
Stephen Morales
Christopher Evans
Chad Lancaster
Fatemah Bagheri
Michelle East
Cindy Linares
Colette Norman
Lilia Rodriguez
Celeste Castro
Francis Ortega
Sonia DuBon
Kim Forsythe
Steven Baker
Gavin Rattman
Pryor Praczukowski
Chris Wagganer
Jamal McNeil
Pete Geniella
Bowie the Bunny