A group of artists and friends of the late painter Martín Santiago meet to make his dream come true of his home becoming in an art museum and cultural space for the town of Deán Funes, Córdoba. The group is led by the artist's disciple, the painter Mario Sanzano, who heads the initiative. He is also accompanied by artists from the area and friends of Martín Santiago. Despite not having official resources, they carry out the feat of recovering the work and turning the space into a cultural center for the city.
Mario Sanzano
Gabriela Francescón
Alberto Horne
Astrid Bechara
Mario Santiago
Ariel Ramos
Ariel Cossuta
Cristina Torres
Ricardo Quintana
Manolo Ledesma
Ana María Santiago
Micaela Bosch
Marcos Santiago
Marta Santiago
Herman Santiago
Mario Martos
Guillermo Córdoba
Liliana Pettinari
Chiqui Picolet
Mariela Frontera
Ana María Ríos
Hugo Castillo