Curral is a political drama set in the rural Brazilian city of Gravatá. During the mayoral elections, the population is divided between the Blue and Red parties, two political oligarchies fighting each other for power. A recent severe drought means water is the main bargaining chip when it comes to securing a majority of people's votes. Chico Caixa is a former city employee. He lost his job trying to take water supplies to a poor neighborhood which had been abandoned for political reasons. Caixa is invited by a childhood partner, Joel, to work on his councilor campaign. Joel presents himself as a new alternative to the older candidates, who have been in power for decades. But as the campaign progresses, Chico Caixa soon realizes that breaking apart from the established political game is not always as easy as it may seem
Thomás Aquino
Rodrigo Garcia
Carla Salle
José Dumont
Ane Oliva
Fernando Teixeira
Clébia Sousa
Marvin Mendes
Walter Damatta Louis
João Ferreira
Zoraide Coleto
Aline Marta
Maria das Dores
Rubens Santos
Nataly Rocha
Quiercles Santana
Thardelly Lima
Pedro Wagner
Mayara Milane
Gilberto Brito
Andrea Rosa
Mauriceia Conceição
Giordano Castro