The plot revolves around a sadistic doctor, a macabre gravedigger, an innocent girl, sabotage, sex and violent death. The beautiful Vivi Sander is living a rough life and is deeply in debt. She tries to force her family to sell the house to make ends meet. Vivi's car crash after a sabotage. She is injured and brought to a medical center where she meets the perverted Dr. Wester.
Gunnar Björnstrand
Elsa Prawitz
Allan Edwall
Heinz Hopf
Margaretha Krook
Catrin Westerlund
Ulla Sjöblom
Essy Persson
Björn Berglund
Christina Lindgren
Christina Carlwind
Åke Fridell
Bert-Åke Varg
Elsa Textorius
Hjördis Petterson