Is there nothing new under the sun? 1770. The South Atlantic. A fleet sets sail from Buenos Aires to expel the British forces and reconquer the Falkland Islands. A major international crisis explodes. What follows may sound strangely familiar, but is firmly based on the historical record and the actual speeches and writings of the time.
Warren Clarke
Donald Pleasence
Malcolm Terris
Christopher Ellison
Angus MacKay
Terence Rigby
James Grout
Alun Lewis
Nicholas Gecks
David Purcell
Julia McCarthy
John Bird
Matthew Scurfield
Ben Aris
Norman Rodway
Clive Merrison
David Timson
John Owens
Shaun Wallace
Derek Ware
Paddy Joyce
Mike Kemp
David Jackson
Stewart Harwood
Michael Greatorex
Harry Fielder