Dutton Hatfield, played by Jeff Speakman, is working for the American embassy. He finds himself inside a biochemical weapon laboratory when terrorists headed by Colonel Baron (played by TimeCop villain Ron Silver) take over the place. Baron is looking for a sample of a deadly virus that is being developed inside the facility.
Jeff Speakman
Ron Silver
Jack Adalist
Jonathan Sagall
Idan Alterman
Rochelle Swanson
Bridget Marks
Ami Dayan
Haya Maymon
Jerry Hyman
Yoram Yosephberg
Yehuda Efroni
Yehuda Elboim
Dan Turgeman
Mark De Alessandro
Harel Goldstein
Gal Yorman
Elan Frank
Michael Parlato
Kevin Jones
Shuki Ron
Eric Rosenberg
R.L. Noff
Andrei Kashkar
Larry Smith
Alexander Pregman