A captivating neo-noir film set in the gritty urban landscape of 1990s New York City. The story revolves around an unlikely partnership between Pat, an aging hitman betrayed by his gang, and Sugar, a drag queen sex worker mourning the loss of a friend to the same gang. Both characters find themselves with a common enemy and must rely on each other for survival.
Peter Greene
Jazz Vilá
Federico Castelluccio
Robert J Morgalo
Ozz Gomez
Richard Kline
John Fiore
Monique Dupree
Darlene Tejeiro
Armen Garo
Bond Mgebrishvili
Tom Glynn
Fred Sullivan
Charles W Harris III
J. Santiago Suarez
Emma Tedeschi
Brandon E. Brooks
Nessa Rodriguez
Mike Messier
Stephanie Weaver
Josue Ledesma
Joe Carola
Gianna Barbera
Sophia Suarez
Anthony Saint Thomas
Phillip Rush
Todd Cole Toure
Alberto Suarez
Larry Schneider
Larry Schneider
Luis Gonzalez