While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.
Glenn Ford
Eddie Albert
Vince Edwards
Patrick Macnee
Gregory Sierra
Harry Guardino
Simon Oakland
Michael Cole
Gloria DeHaven
Marcel Hillaire
Len Birman
George Lazenby
Erin Gray
Shirley Jones
Christian Marquand
Lee Bergere
James Booth
Cynthia Ford
Anthony Costello
William Dozier
Nick Dyrenforth
George Skaff
Sid Haig
Ben Frommer
Chris Winfield
Carol Baxter
Edward James Olmos
Byron Morrow
Janice Lynde
Walt Davis
Larry Watson
Paul Verdier
Duncan Gamble
Katherine Hopkins Nicholas
Susan Woollen
Randy Kirby
Chuck Wassil
Doug Hale
Gavin Mooney
Ken Del Conte
Nate Roth
Michael Papo