All eyes will be glued on Nashville, Tennessee as, for the first time ever, All Elite Wrestling and IMPACT Wrestling will collide in the Impact Zone as AEW World Champion Kenny Omega will team up with the IMPACT Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers to face the IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann, Chris Sabin & Moose in a six-man tag team match. Also, for the first time in nearly eight years, new IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champions will be crowned as Havok & Nevaeh will take on Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz in the finals of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament.
Tyson Smith
Chad Allegra
Drew Hankinson
Richard Swann
Quinn Ojinnaka
Josh Harter
Kiera Hogan
Latasha Harris
Jessica Cricks
Beth Vocke-Crist
Theodore James Perkins
Chris Bey
Hakim Zane
Deonna Kupryk
Kira Magnin-Forster
Eric Maher
Samuel Alton Johnston
Julian Micevski
Tom Laughlin
Terry Gerin
Jacob Doyle
Jeremy Fritz
Christopher Gray
Joe Doering
Holly Letkeman
Steve Scott
Tenille Dashwood
Mason Caleb Burnett