Midnight Express Reunion was a wrestling show held by Ring of Honor. It took place on October 2, 2004 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The show featured the reunion of the 80's tag team The Midnight Express: Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane and Jim Cornette.
Jim Cornette
Bobby Eaton
Stanfield Lane
Dennis Condrey
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Bryan Danielson
Patrick Martin
Daniel Solwold Jr.
Jack Miller
Christopher Lindsey
Christopher Scoville
John Stagikas
Christopher Guy
Phil Brooks
Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
Steven Haworth
Jamar Shipman
Brandon Silvestry
James Guffey
Benjamin Whitmer
Josh Daniels
Michael Verdi
John R. Rivera
Rick Diaz
Walter Kirney