A reflection on the works and thinking of the last years of production by Torquato. Such as the magazine "Navilouca", the film "Terror da Vermelha", the column "Geleia Geral" and the controversial Cinema Novo X Marginal, among other passages important aspects of Brazilian culture in the 60s and 70s.
Torquato Neto
Antonio Manuel
Carlos Vergara
Anna Bella Geiger
Ricardo Basbaum
Paulo José Cunha
Luciano Figueiredo
Xico Chaves
Tadeu Jungle
George Mendes
Tiago Sant'Anna
Raphael Fonseca
Paulo Miyada
Paula Gaitán
Carlos Galvão
Edmar Oliveira
Claudete Dias
Douglas Machado
Hernani Heffner
Neville D'Almeida
Carlos Diegues
Luiz Carlos Lacerda
Jorge O Mourão
Willyams Martins
Durvalino Couto