A father decides to make amends with his son, while Victor Tsoy 's double goes on a tour of Crimea. Sergei Loban's dilogy continued. - Respect. Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Prepare yourselves to witness a death-defying feat! A wise man, lost in the darkness, and his disciple, desperately striving for the light. They balance on the edge of the abyss while volcanic flames burn their faces. King Lear and the Star Child, their train of fate speeds through a tunnel in the mountain. Will there be light at the end of the tunnel? - Cooperation. A world premiere! The circus proudly brings to you a surprising discovery in show business! The one, the only Ersatz Star! A creature capable of destroying any competitors! Its creator will fly up to the very top of Mount Olympus and leap into the depths of the waters. Engineer Garin and the Elephant Man will either save or destroy each other! Wait and see!
Pyotr Mamonov
Stepan Devonin
Sergei Popov
Sergei Kuzmenko
Sergei Volzhin-Yastrebov
Aydamir Lovpache
Aleksei Podolsky
Vera Strokova
Dmitriy Bogdan
Anton Kuznetsov
Aleksei Znamensky
Aleksandr Shpagin
Sergey Pakhomov
Yuliya Govor
Dmitry Novikov
Jim Avignon
Lev Sidorov
Nataliya Rozhkova
Stas Baretsky
Sergej Kolesnikov
Andrey Loshak
Yevgeny Yerovenkov
Valeri Zavodovsky
Maksim Tiunov
Zhanna Vorobyova
Mikhail Chebotarev
Vladimir Kulyak
Zhanna Egorova