Four dedicated housewives - Shivangi, Mansi, Neha, and Sakhina, whose lives revolve only around their husband and family, decide to escape the suffocating routine life by traveling to Goa for a few days to live life on their terms. They have no idea that their vacation will lead to a series of life-changing events.
Swara Bhasker
Meher Vij
Shikha Talsania
Pooja Chopra
Girish Kulkarni
Manish Chaudhary
Ali Quli Mirza
Nayani Dixit
Mitansh Nehra
Vibha Chibber
Suraj Singh
Akash Dhar
Jyoti Kalash
Simran Gupta
Niharika Chouksey
Rakhi Kishore