Set in the backdrop of 1980s, Micheal helms his influential family in Kochi, inspiring fear and respect through his unnerving past. When a few younger members in the household feel his power over their lives too are aggravating, they join hands with foes to clamp down on him. And the story follows what’s in store for them.
Soubin Shahir
Sreenath Bhasi
Shine Tom Chacko
Anasuya Bharadwaj
Veena Nandakumar
Shebin Benson
Farhaan Faasil
Nedumudi Venu
Maala Parvathi
Dileesh Pothan
KPAC Lalitha
Jinu Joseph
Abu Salim
Sudev Nair
Harish Uthaman
Nisthar Ahamed
Kottayam Ramesh
Dhanya Ananya
Pauly Valsan
Ramzan Muhammed
Chethan Jayalal
Govind V Pai
Manohari Joy
P J Antony