This is an adaptation of the 2015 TV show, featuring two intertwining love triangles that drive the plot. The first triangle involves Aragão, his wife Arlinda, and her lover, Chico. The second triangle unites Malvina, Lena, and Gabriel, who is the son of Arlinda and Chico but raised by Aragão.
Marina Ruy Barbosa
Johnny Massaro
Letícia Sabatella
Jackson Antunes
Adélio Lima
Aramis Trindade
Arianne Botelho
Bruno Garcia
César Cardadeiro
Daniel de Oliveira
Fabiana Gugli
Felipe Koury
Gheuza Sena
Gillray Coutinho
Giovanna Estefanio
Gustavo Falcão
Guta Stresser
Isio Guelman
Lívia Falcão
Maria Luísa Mendonça
Paulo de Pontes
Pedro Sol Baêta
Tonico Pereira
Malu Falangola
Pedro Henrique Müller
Isadora Melo