UNWAVERING is a faith-based film that tells the story of a girl who is in present day captivity with her peers being held at an abandoned warehouse by a terrorist group. As Sarah (Katie C'etta), the main character, is tested and struggles to stay true to her faith she also has flashbacks from her childhood, her first love, getting engaged, and the event that reveals how she was captured. UNWAVERING is a mix of loving memories, intense emotional situations, and on the edge of your seat suspense.
Katie C'etta
Georin Aquila
Nicholas Baronzzi
Brianna Burke
Randy Campbell
Emily Geary
Brookabella Horner
Sarah Hunter
Pakob Jarernpone
Jessica Joerndt
Alison Kamis
Emily Kelly
Jason Klingensmith
Randy Lee
Tucker Daniel McElroy
Danielle Menning
Josh Menning
Cora Metzfield
Joe Morales
Danielle Nungesser
Ryan C. Parsons
Justin Rose
J.W. Kitson
Aubrey Unkefer
Theresa Wylie
Jessica Faith Kessler