In 2020, a mysterious Priestess arrives in the USA to fulfill a 400 year old Prophecy: to choose an American King (Akon) who will rebuild an ancient African Kingdom . The CIA scrambles to find information for the President, leading to the unraveling of the most guarded Secret about the founding of the USA. The President running for re-election, has to decide if he can Make Africa Great Again.
Steve Izant
Andrew Howard
Nse Ikpe-Etim
Nick Moran
Enyinna Nwigwe
Miguel A. Núñez Jr.
Massi Furlan
Stella Ademiluyi
DaShawn Barnes
Geoff Brown
Moriah Brown
Nathin Art Butler
Jack Campbell
Jennifer Conrad
Myles Cranford
Martin Dingle Wall
Charles Duckworth
Tommy Franklin
Vanessa Giselle
Jasmine Hester
Stefanie Kleine
Ella Kweku
Mother Love
Tarnue Massaquoi
Adeline McCarthy
Joan McCarthy
Malinda Money
Jaimyon Parker
Brad Potts
Rosalind Russell
Sekou M. Sirleaf
Nadja Sofi
Jean St. James
Rizi Timane
Frank Ugochukwu
John Davis Walker
Kelcey Watson
Wendie Weldon
Jennifer Wenger
Enyinna Nwigwe
Kevin T. McCarthy
Charles Afolabitzky
Malcolm Ghartey
Mena Amata
Veno Amata
Bamarajo Olateru Olagbegi
J-Me O. Kasten
Minna Brighton
Alexx Ekubo
Rohit Govardhanam
Ceaser Oruade
Jermaine Brantley
Peter Okoye
Adah Obekba