This film tells the story of 3 female workers who have one name in common, Titik. They are Titik Sulastri, a widow with 2 children who works as a low-paid contract laborer at a garment factory, Titik Dewanti Sari, a spinster holding a prestigious position in a scandalous giant company, and Titik Kartika or Titik Tomboy, the son of a thug who works as a home factory worker. who is not afraid to die for justice. Not only sharing a name, the three dots are both trapped in a situation that makes their lives change 360 degrees.
Lola Amaria
Ririn Ekawati
Maryam Supraba
Donny Alamsyah
Rangga Djoned
Dimas Hary CSP
Gary Iskak
Lukman Sardi
Ingrid Widjanarko
Arswendy Bening Swara
Ence Bagus
Gesata Stella
Miea Kusuma