When the herdsman's son was born, the Great Ruler of the underworld, Erlik Khan, predicted to the newborn that he, having reached the age of seventeen, would be sacrificed to atone for human pride. But Mohammed — that's what his father called him — grew up kind and brave. The young man managed to force the Lord of Darkness to change his destiny.
Nurzhuman Ihtymbaev
Yerik Zholzhaksynov
Nurlybek Yessimgaliyev
Bulat Ayukhanov
Bajkenzhe Belbaev
Raisa Mukhamedyarova
Makil Kulanbayev
Atageldy-Aga Ismailov
Dinmukhamet Akhimov
Marat Azimbaev
Uraz Dyusenov
Yesbolgan Oteulinov
Maulen Khalykov
Dzhambul Hudajbergenov
Grigoriy Efimov
Zhanas Iskakov
Kasym Zhakibayev
Tamara Kosubayeva
Shakhan Musin
Kamal Karmysov
Akyl Kulambayev
Saydal Abylgazin
Gulziya Belbaeva
Turakhan Sadykova
Iskhar Khishanlo
Vladimir Danilenko
Shaymerden Khakimganov
Aubakir Ismailov
Bibiza Kulanbayeva