Akiko Mizushina, a university student, is in love with Keisuke Okazaki, a member of the rugby team at the same university. Sugiura, a brilliant scholarly student, also has feelings for Akiko. During the summer vacation, Akiko thought she was enjoying the joys of youth, but she was filled with a feeling that something was missing.
Keiji Sada
Mariko Okada
Naoki Sugiura
Fumio Watanabe
Yōko Katsuragi
Reiko Hitomi
Keijirō Morozumi
Tatsuo Nagai
Yasushi Nagata
Seigo Fukuoka
Yuji Nango
Masanao Kawakane
Hiroko Satani
Akemi Mikasa
Hideaki Nagai