The movie "Jump Out of the Window" is a heartwarming work that depicts the interaction between two families. Shusuke Tokuyama (Den Obinata) runs an agricultural and livestock industry, and has his father Ritaro (Hiroshi Shiomi), younger brother Yuji (Keiju Kobayashi), wife Fujiko (Kiko Todoroki), and four children (three of whom are Obinata's sons). They lived in a large family of 8 people, including 2 children and 2 daughters. The Fujieda family next door is Chieko (Ayako Okamura), whose husband, a captain, died in a shipwreck at sea, her daughter Mariko (Kyoko Kagawa), and her son Michio (Oohinata's son), who has a leg disability and is undergoing rehabilitation. ) We were a family of three. Through the interaction between the Tokuyama family and the Fujieda family, the importance of family and the kindness of people are reflected on the screen.
Kamatari Fujiwara
Ken Ito
Kyōko Kagawa
Sōji Kiyokawa
Keiju Kobayashi
Tokuji Kobayashi
Den Obinata
Fumiko Okamura
Yo Shiomi
Kyoji Sugi
Yōnosuke Toba
Yukiko Todoroki
Koji Yamamura