Action/horror story centered on a secret organization formed by the Catholic Church to counteract the rising number of cases of demonic possessions across the country. The story follows a young godless man who is being recruited into the cloth in order to prepare a new generation with the tools needed to stop the rise of the ultimate evil; Beelzebub.
Kyler Willett
Danny Trejo
Eric Roberts
Rachele Brooke Smith
Robert Miano
Lassiter Holmes
Cameron White
Steven Brand
Perla Rodríguez
Daniel Roman
Silvia Spross
Emilio Roso
John Greer
Asad Farr
Aasem Alhajhussein
Kennedy Acosta
Sebastian Trevino
Ciro Trevino
Christopher Hardcastle
Will Martinez
Omar Trevino
Joshua Guerrero
Miguel Olquin
Alex Dalcour
Tristan Price