The film revolves around Saeed AL-Masri (Adel Imam), one of the pilots of the October War who lost his eye-sight after his plane crashed during the war. Saeed AL-Masri is forced to live in a home for disabled people that is managed by a very bureaucratic managers which they turn it into a prison.
Adel Emam
Donia Abdel Azziz
Youssef Daoud
Khaled Sarhan
Diaa Abdel Khaleq
Sherine Saif El Nasr
Saeed Saleh
Younes Shalaby
Tamer Abdelmonem
Tawfiq Abdel Hamid
Ragaa Al-Giddawy
Inaas Mekky
Alaa Zinhom
Mohamed Dardeery
Khairy Hassan
Jarir Mansour
Ahmed El Tohami
Saeed Abdel Ghani
Mahmoud Azab
Hassan Al Deeb
Naeem Essa
Moustafa Youssef
Reda Hamed