This film tells the story of two friends, Jack and Jock, with their principle: "life is a series of games and challenges". The challenge is pretending to be a barber and to cut Alex’ hair (Alex is played by Darto Helm, who was a famous, bald comedian). Jack "plays" with the wife of Alex while Jock is “cutting” his hair. Jack, who gets a crush on Merry, succeeds to get acquainted with Merry through her aunt, by posing as a neurologist since Merry has a psychiatric disorder. Meanwhile, Jock gets acquainted with Lucy, a hotel maid.
Ikang Fawzi
Richie Ricardo
Darto Helm
Lina Budiarti
Yenny Farida
Angel D. Memah
Rani Soraya
Chris Salam
Robin Panjaitan
H.I.M. Damsyik
Paul Polii
Herman Pero
Ucky Kartolo
Robin Karim
Tonny Hidayat
Indah Yolanda
Emmy Husein
Jamal Jentak