The film aims to answer two questions: What is flamenco? Who is the singer Niño de Elche? This child prodigy, who inspired artists such as C. Tangana, started challenging the rules of flamenco in his adolescence, which led to a violent confrontation with his family and flamenco fans that continues today.
Niño de Elche
Angélica Liddell
Pedro G. Romero
Israel Galván
Antón Álvarez
Paqui Molina
Aladino Contreras
Los Voluble
Manuel León Caballero
Raul Cantizano
Antonio Orihuela
Pepe Cicuta
Estefanía Serrano
Miguel Álvarez Fernández
Ramón Andrés
Eric Jiménez
Ernesto Artillo
José Val del Omar