Tensions spark within the community of a small high school when a senior, Tayla Henderson, goes mysteriously missing. A social media account called "beautiful.missing.people" sparks out of nowhere, posting a strange picture of Tayla, claiming that "She's not missing. She's right here. With me."
Jay Chae
Mea-Leona Murray
Sara Decker
Michael Vessel
William H. Parker Jr.
Maddy Wambolt
Paul Rocchio
Jenny Wolff
Jen Potcher
KC Camacho
Tereso Barrios
Isaac Villalobos
Katie Rozensweig
Keegan Jones
Nichole Stull
Hank Thometz
Summer Sackett
Joni Peterson
Mir Pak
Eli Keck
Matt O'Meara
Max Spielman
Tyler Gomez
Cooper Sloan
Cathy Johns
Jorge Harrington
Scott Beals
Barb Thometz
Chris Thometz