Earth succumbed to a nuclear war caused by an infamous evil being known as Dr Hell, who today dominates the world with his technology from a distant planet called Goretech. Now the world is only violence and death and humanity is inexorably approaching its extinction, as there are no women left alive. A timorous and cowardly young man named Han meets a mythical curmudgeonly old man who will teach him the secret of martial arts, and together they will fight to end the tyranny of the sinister Dr Hell.
Vic Cicuta
Leandro De la Torre
Ramón Caribe
Hernán Panessi
Ezequiel Hansen
Hernán Quintana
Valentín Javier Diment
Pablo Marini
Amanda Nara
Federico Paruolo
Franco Maldonado
Maxi Molina
Stig Von Chronnenberg
Hernán Sáez
Pablo Parés
Simón Ratziel
Ygnacio Cervio
Claudio Zerda
Luciano Tarizzo
Sebastian De la Torre
Mariano Caruso
Ezequiel Piñeyro
Jotar Tarruella
Blas Badin
Ezequiel Cabello
Sergio Montalbano
Katerina Caribe
Morrigan Chronnenberg
El Cicho
Martín Coca
Pablo Tanno
Nico Dogma
Nico Galvagno
Alejandro Garro
Diego La K Berna
Alan Goyen
Fernando Menéndez
Dylan Negro
Diego Rosselli
Franco Paesani-Rosello
Germán Magariños
Elvira Serio