This wonderfully entertaining dance documentary tells the extraordinary story of how Irish dance developed over centuries from a traditional peasant dance to a form that has taken the world by storm and is enjoyed by tens of millions. The film shows how Irish dance has both been influenced by and influenced the dance of many cultures and how it developed as an expression of resistance.
Morgan Bullock
Simon O'Dwyer
Ríonach Uí Ógáin
Brian Seibert
Steve Cooney
Jean Butler
Stephanie Keane
Cormac Begley
Yazan Ibrahim
Melina Najjar
PJ 'Sonny' Ó Confhaola
Aoife Mhichael 'Sonny' Ní Chonghaile
Helen Brennan
Anne Daye
Cuthbert Arutura
John Cullinane
Dewitt Fleming
Catherine Foley