Set in a fictional medieval world, this is the story of Asbrey of Westender. Once a great heroic knight, he has mysteriously fallen from grace. One night he drunkenly bets and loses his ring, his last possession of worth. He then embarks on a mission to regain his ring and, in due course, confront the demons of his past.
Blake Stadel
Rob Simonsen
John Rankin
Monica Graves
Maren McGuire
Keri Warr
Christa Kepshire
Darlene Dadras
Ann Oxenhandler
Mary Brush
Tyler Morse
Steven Huerta
Rolf Nordhausen
Harry Oxenhandler
John Nichols
Jesse Lawler
Rod James
Ron Wright
Hans Hlawaty
David Shelofsky
Shawn Kottmeier
Daniel Snyder
Ryan Honey
Dublin Briggs
Guy Barber
Richard Mathews
Jefferson O.S. Brassfield
Jesse Nordhausen
Ernie James Paris
Jeff Richardson
Rick Wadkins
Kari Gjone