Young Scooter O’Neal, orphaned after his father’s suicide, is sent out West to live with family friend Dobe Jones. Unaware of his father’s fate Scooter longs to return to his home in Chicago especially after discovering Dobe is an embittered ranch hand hellbent on seeking revenge on his duplicitous wife Eleanor and the man she ran off with. Dobe is dogged in his pursuit until he unwittingly puts Scooter’s life in danger. Seeing the error of his ways the pair ride off together in search of a new adventure.
Jackie Cooper
Lila Lee
Addison Richards
John Wray
Gavin Gordon
Barton MacLane
J.M. Kerrigan
Irving Bacon
George C. Pearce
Charles Middleton
Harry C. Bradley
Harold Goodwin
Tom London
Lillian Harmer
Dell Henderson
Joe Barton
James Adamson
William Le Maire
Tom Bay
Herbert Corthell
Sterrett Ford
Buster Guelich
Charles Kean
Leonard Kibrick
Rose Levine
William Robyns
Jerome Storm