In the German comedy Jagdsaison, a wellness weekend for three friends is in danger of derailing: Marlene is in a serious midlife crisis and is looking for a sex date. She accompanies the divorced Eva and her ex-husband's new wife to protect them from stupid things. Unfortunately, the three seem to attract chaos almost magically.
Marie Burchard
Rosalie Thomass
Almila Bağrıaçık
August Wittgenstein
Thorsten Merten
Tobias Licht
Golo Euler
Michael Klammer
Adriana Altaras
Luc Feit
Nick Dong-Sik
Ulrike Johannson
Eckhard Greiner
Robert Baum
Eva Bay
Anselm Bresgott
Tim Haberland
Christine Jensen
Greta Kasalo
Jonathan Müller
Maximilian Schafroth
Cornelius Schwalm