Saul escaped the coming Shoah as a child by being sent from Vienna to Brussels by a Kindertransport. Now in 1986, he is on the road to resilience and owner of a Delicatessen dedicated to the "Septième Art" - the movies. With Joakin, his protégé, a young Chilean director, they decide to write the story of Saul's childhood and make it into a film. But love comes knocking at his door and confronts him with his past as a hidden child...
Simon Abkarian
Pascale Arbillot
Django Schrevens
André Jung
Michel Vuillermoz
Éric Caravaca
Tania Garbarski
Roxane Duran
Héléna Noguerra
Nathalie Laroche
Mathilda May
Brigitte Fossey
Dorothea Neff
Lenny Gaggioli
Amos Suchecki