An homage to classic 80's comedies, A High School Story follows the new kid in school, Derek Lane, the youngest of five football playing brothers, as he meets ex-cheer captain and aspiring dancer, Emma Scott. Between the self proclaimed queen of the school, the star quarterback, and a pair of quirky friends, life in high school isn't just's going to be Biblical.
Luke Bote
Hannah Thomas
Ashley Wright
Nate Flack
Makenzie Conter
Caleb Flack
Jamaal Curry
Jessica Anguiano
Heath Arthur
Kristina Wright
Billy Joe Patton
Scott Piper
Kayla Bergholz
Jeremy Bennett
Anthony O'Neil Kelly Jr.
Pete Flack
Emily Conter
Brayden Flack
Kyle Gaylord
Mike Flack
Jennifer Hatch
Eli Miller
Caleb Jones
Siena Daley
Grace Pouliot
Vitaly Odnoralov
Elina Odnoralov