After losing his father, being expelled from school and facing his mother's prohibitions, Luciano, a young student, decides to flee to the sea with his friend Daniel, showing his knowledge of hypnosis to the whole world.
Sebastián Escobar
Mago Makándal
Ruby Oquendo
Fausto Cabrera
Jairo Camargo
Fabio Restrepo
Víctor Rodríguez
Danilo Bedoya
Juan José Ordoñez
Jorge De Fex
Alicia Ochoa
Juana Tobón
Elkin Ramírez
Marvín Blandón
Camilo Pérez
Gito "Labina"
Diana Ocampo
Luz Julio
Bladimir Tapia
Doris Jimenez
Emilio Arango
"El Bene" Ramos