When Sophie, a well-known internet lifestyle video blogger, posts a video searching for a "man who's not an idiot" after a break-up a month before Christmas, the video goes viral and her life is comically up-heaved into many hilarious situations. She ultimately meets Danny, a struggling stand-up comic and actor. Will the two find love deep in the heart of the craziness of Los Angeles? Find out in the edgy romantic comedy that centers itself around the most wonderful time of the year.
Jessica Moore
Derrick Zonca
Kaylee Frazier
Eric Marq
Marla Lizbeth Perez
Kenneth Guertin
Brian Lally
Lisa Cole
Barbara Holliday
James Fahselt
Sophia Cacciola
Michael J. Epstein
Carmella Diaz-Lolar
Jessica Kallio
Aron Ohanessian
Emily Charouhas
McKenzie Kelly
Kirk R. Thatcher
Paul Tarantino
Chance Caeden
Thomas Downey
Darren Lipari
Monnie Aleahmad
David Alan Graf
Yuri Brown
Taylor C. Hill
Keith Compton
Cynthia Lucero
Noel Jason Scott
Matthew Vlahakis
Richard Trejo
Melanie Lech
Adam Slemon
Jennifer McMahan
Scott Crawley
Maddie Lucas
Josh Kelling
Aaron Marshall Cohen
Dane-Mychal Marvin
Jef McClure
Danielle Sanfilippo
Lainie Armstrong
Dan Barton
James Wen
Gina Pipasquale
Rudy Matchinga
Brianna Eylicio
Buffy Hopkins
Isaiah Hill-Baker
Keith Willis
David Nelson
Erin Trojovsky
Kristopher Hamilton
Serjio Castrellon
Jeremy Mowery
Briana Scott
Quenton Brodnak
Ralph Arellano
Cameron Keaggy
Sharilee Prince
Emma Weissmann
Robert Tremain
Iggy Michniacki
Kevin Rankin
Zack Morrisette