A feature documentary film set in Hollywood, examining a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. The Source Family were the darlings of the Sunset Strip until their communal living, outsider ideals and spiritual leader Father Yod's 13 wives became an issue with local authorities. They fled to Hawaii, leading to their dramatic demise.
Father Yod
Om-Ne Aquarian
Damian Paul
Zinaru Aquarian
Harvest Moon Aquarian
Octavius Aquarian
Djin Aquarian
Elena Michaels
Ob Gold
Dawn Hurwitz
Electricity Aquarian
Isis Aquarian
Magus Aquarian
Erik Davis
Patricia Bragg
Bobby Klein
Anne Marie Bennstrom
Don Bolles
Janet Fitch
Sunflower Aquarian
Nancy Hirsch
Robin Baker
Yogi Bhajan
Bud Cort
Pamela Des Barres
Ron Raffaelli
Evie Shapiro
Makushla Aquarian
Dave Nuss
Laurel Stearns
Billy Corgan
Celeste Baker