We are drowning in celebrity culture and certainly no tabloid topic has been as big as Paris Hilton. Her incarceration and subsequent release, then re-incarceration and her ultimate release once again-left us submerged knee-deep in the twists and turns of her life. Famous for doing nothing, she's the ultimate manifestation of our obsession with celebrity culture and the massive profits that it wields. As long as we are willing to watch and read, who can resist feeding our habit?
Ann-Marie MacDonald
David Carr
Ellis Cashmore
Rob Chilton
Felix Filho
Bonnie Fuller
Joshua Gamson
Lloyd Grove
Perez Hilton
Olga Jakim
Max Kalehoff
Charles Khabouth
Michael Levine
Elliot Mintz
Brandy Navarre
George Pimentel
Michael Sitrick
Michael Stone
Jeff Vespa
Richard Burton
George Clooney
Gary Cooper
Dolores Costello
Dodi Fayed
Sean Federline
Greta Garbo
Jean Harlow
Larry King
Braxton Leding
Cayne Leding
Curly Leding
Janet Leding
Justin Leding
Richard Leting
David Letterman
Harvey Levin
Sophia Loren
Tony Randall
Victoria Recaño
Joe Scarborough
Jack L. Warner