The Raid

Serve or protect?

Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant ‘Taffy’ Tāwharau, who must choose between duty to his badge or his people, when the Government invoke antiterrorism powers to launch an armed raid on Taffy’s remote Urewera community, on a school day. This gripping action drama is not a re-creation, but a response to the 2007 Tūhoe raids. MURU is a Māori concept for 'forgiveness’.

Cliff Curtis

(Tāwharau ‘Taffy’)

Jay Ryan


Manu Bennett


Simone Kessell


Poroaki Merritt-McDonald


Roimata Fox


Ria Paki


Tame Iti

(Tame Iti)

Xavier Horan

(STG 'Ren' Renata)

Andrew Cottle

(STG Phil)

Byron Coll


Cinzia Maioha Jonathan

(Dr. Foon)

Troy Kingi


Colin Moy


Rangi Rangitukunoa


Nepia Takuira-Mita


Oriini Kaipara


Tipene Ohlson


Mack McKorkindale


Ati Teepa


Katea Te Rehita Morgan


Te Aroha Huirua Teepa

(Kui Tūī)

Tōrerenui-A-Rua Te Pou


Beverly Manahi

(Nana Bev)

Te Hawiki Rangihika-Hawea

(Child on the Bus)

Te Oro Rangihika-Hawea

(Child on the Bus)

Mako Teepa

(Child on the Bus)

Ngahiramai Teepa

(Child on the Bus)

Paaku Waata Titoko

(Child on the Bus)

Rarauwhe Titoko

(Child on the Bus)

Te Waimihia Wetini

(Child on the Bus)

Ngāwai Teepa

(Child on the Bus)

Teina Harawira

(Child on the Bus)

Manukura Apiata

(Child on the Bus)

Rereiao Kahi

(Child on the Bus)

Te Rangihoua Kahi

(Child on the Bus)

Waiheke Kahi

(Child on the Bus)

Siu Purewa Pou

(Child on the Bus)

Tūroa Taipeti

(Child on the Bus)

Te Mataku Iti


Yvonne Iti


Tiwai Iti


Wikitoria Kereopa


Molly Kutia


Martha Maaka


Yvonne McKenzie


Kararaina Nepe


James Noema


Benjamin Rangi


Marie Rangi


Brian Takurua


Materoa Te Papa


Richard Teamo


Hine Teepa


Georgina Timoti


Molly Turnbull


Lois Umuhuri


Harata Williams


Priscilla Woods
