Orchidea De Santis

Orchidea De Santis, pseudonym of Orchidea De Sanctis (Bari, December 20, 1948), is an Italian actress. Of Salento origins but born in Bari due to her father's work as an officer in the Navy, she moved with her family, who ran a hotel in the capital of Puglia, first to Gallipoli and then to Rome, following her sister who was sixteen years older. At the beginning she was also a singer and, later, a theater actress. She has ranged from cinema to radio, from theater to music, until arriving on television. From 2006 to 2013 she managed a blog. She collaborates with various animal rights and environmental associations. Active especially in the Seventies, she was an interpreter of the Italian sexy comedy, initially mainly in costume and with a Boccaccian setting. Her presence in Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno is curious, a film in which, for script needs, she was made up to appear ugly. In 1979, her film career came to an abrupt end following a serious injury on the set of Carlo Vanzina's film Arrivano i gatti when, due to an accidental fall into a trap door, she broke her elbow (which was later completely surgically reconstructed), risking permanent damage to her entire arm.


Seven Murders for Scotland Yard

(Sandy Christian)

To Love Ophelia

(Trieste - blonde prostitute)

Prey of Vultures

(Janet Sullivan)

Two Sons of Ringo




To My Dear Mother on Her Birthday

(Jolanda, la Sposa)

Tanto va la gatta al lardo...

(sorella di Vilma e Vera)

Three Under the Sheets

(Rosita, la domestica (segment "Sabatto mattina"))

The Sweet Aunts


Under the Sheets

(Nurse Italia)

San Pasquale Baylonne, Protector of Women


Quelli belli... siamo noi

(Elisabetta Castrosalvo)

How I Learned to Love Women


Love Angels


Your Sweet Body to Kill

(Elena Sanders)

Rene the Cane


Ridendo e scherzando

(Dalia Casali)

Love, Passion and Pleasure


Even If I Wanted to Work, What Do I Do?

(The Prostitute)

Hector the Mighty


The Labyrinth of Sex


Una bella governante di colore


Hot Nights of the Decameron


The Family Vice


Hurry, the Schoolgirls Are Coming!


Close Friends


The Sexbury Tales


La nipote

(Doris - The Maid)


(Wife of Ciacco)

Snow White

Tales of Erotica

(Lisa Martini (segment "The Trick"))

The Forbidden Decameron



(Manuela, Nyorkos Tochter)

The Sensual Man

(una prostituta)


(moglie del collega)

Queste pazze, pazze donne

(Dora ('Pochi ma buoni'))

La sensualità è un attimo di vita

(Wife of Franco)

Ride bene... chi ride ultimo

(Teresa, moglie di Toni)

Arrivano i gatti

(attrice del film erotico)

Togli le gambe dal parabrezza

Charlys Nichten


Una macchia rosa


Le mille e una notte all'italiana



Coup D'Etat

(Girl with glasses)

3 Avengers

(Blonde Girl)

Love and Death in the Garden of the Gods


Devil in the Brain


The Weekend Murders

(Evelyn, the maid)

The Killer Wore Gloves


Il nero

The Battle of the Mods


Provaci anche tu Lionel

(Anna Tredicesimo)

Lady Dynamite

Scusi, si potrebbe evitare il servizio militare?... No!

Il signor Ministro li pretese tutti e subito


