Shoot First, Die Later
Cross of the Seven Jewels
Fracchia The Human Beast
Rich and Poor
Prickly Pears
(Vigile Urbano)
Pierino torna a scuola
(Padre di Pierino)
Giggi il bullo
Ladies & Gentlemen
(Portiere Hotel Excelsior)
Horse Fever
(Man in Betting Room (uncredited))
Fantozzi Retires
(Nonno al parco)
Il commissario Lo Gatto
(prete che introduce Lo Gatto dal Papa (uncredited))
Good Like Bread
An Ideal Adventure
Don't Play with Tigers
Where Can You Go Without the Little Vice?
Long Live the Seal
(portiere Mario)
Sugar, Honey and Pepper
(poliziotto ferito)
The Comics 2
I Hate Blondes
(Waiter (uncredited))
Desiring Julia
Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone
(dirigente della Marchigiana)
Le vie del Signore sono finite
I Won the New Year's Lottery
(don Paolino)
Desirable Teacher
(Padre di Luigi)
While There's War There's Hope
Hot Spirits
(cameriere (uncredited))
Vieni avanti cretino
(Il cardinale)
Fantozzi Against the Wind
(Componente del Gran Consiglio dei 10 assenti)
Fantozzi Still Suffers
(Presidente del seggio elettorale)
Spaghetti at Midnight
(Guest at the party)
The Tango of Jealousy
Fury of the Pagans
Le braghe del padrone
(Man in elevator)
Midnight of Love
(Poliziotto (uncredited))
Emanuelle in America
(Waiter at Venice Party (uncredited))
(Waiter (uncredited))
One Appreciated Professional of Sure Future
Sesso e volentieri
(giornalista del telegiornale (episodio Domenica in))
Delirium: Photo of Gioia
Fantozzi in Heaven
(Sacerdote del primo funerale)
Paolina Borghese ninfomane imperiale
The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond
(Policeman at Alicorno (uncredited))
Computron 22
A Dangerous Toy
(Journalist at Barletta's House (uncredited))
Big Man
(Museum's Guide)
I Ragazzi della 3ª C
(Il fisco)