And in the Morning They Woke Up
(Tailor's Wife)
Sea Cadet of Northern Fleet
(врач на тренажёрах)
Vesnukhin's Fantasies
(Kirill's Mother)
(администратор Дома Колхозника)
The Marble House
And We Had Silence...
(Лида - тётка Серёжи)
Расколотое небо
Dawns Are Kissing
Tomorrow Was the War
(Маша - жена Ромахина)
Love You. Waiting. Lena
Don't Leave Your Lovers
(Шумилова - разводящаяся жена)
A Dark Room Mystery
April Dreams
(Настя - невеста Николая)
The Family Man
Office Romance
(сотрудница статистического учреждения)
Holy Moly!
The Spaceship of Aliens
I Want Your Husband
(Елена, жена)
Gipsy Happiness
I Want Him to Come
Rubber Woman