Phil Solomon was an internationally recognized filmmaker and educator who taught both film history/aesthetics and film production at University of Colorado Boulder from 1991 until his death in 2019. Solomon’s work has been screened in every major venue for experimental film throughout the U.S. and Europe, including 3 Cineprobes (one-man shows) at the Museum of Modern Art and two Whitney Biennials. His films have won 10 first prize awards at major international film festivals for experimental film (including six Juror’s Awards from the Black Maria Film and Video Festival). His films reside in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Massachusetts College of Art, Binghamton University, Hampshire College, The Chicago Art Institute, San Francisco State University, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and the Oberhausen Film Collection. Solomon collaborated on three films with his colleague and friend, Stan Brakhage, who named Solomon’s Remains to be Seen on his Top Ten Films of All Time for Sight and Sound.
Bitemporal Vision: The Sea
The Summit
Turbulent Waters
Rocket Boy vs. Brakhage
Untitled (for David Gatten)
Remains to Be Seen
Elementary Phrases
The Secret Garden
Psalm IV: Valley of the Shadow
Still Raining, Still Dreaming
Rehearsals for Retirement
The Exquisite Hour
Psalm I: The Lateness of the Hour
Last Days in a Lonely Place
Psalm II: Walking Distance
Psalm III: Night of the Meek
The Emblazoned Apparitions
What’s Out Tonight Is Lost
The Snowman
American Falls
Simply Because You're Near Me
By This River
Ida Western Exile
Sleep Has Her House
Floating under a Honey Tree
(Sound Designer)
Alternating Currents
Night Hunter
The Passage of the Bride
Stan Brakhage Exits the Cinema and Enters the Light of Day
As If We
Yes I Said Yes I Will Yes
Innocence and Despair
Life with Stan #4: Stan Painting