Swedish Born East Asian Actor, he is mostly known for the of the Nazi Commander named Schultz in the 2011 Chinese movie The Resistance. His debut was in 2010 in the movie Last Kung Fu Monk as the Russian Mafia Boss aka Oleg. In 2020s he made his directing debut in Macao in a Blade Runner inspired film The Edge Of Human.
(Kimi Raikkonen (uncredited))
Return To Earth
(Pilot Li Shuai)
Macao 2525
Bridge to the Universe
Secret of the Atlantis
Jonny Quest Screen Test 09/95
(Jonny Quest)
The Edge Of Human
The Resistance
The Last Kung Fu Monk
Durango Wild Lands - The Beginning
Marriage Cuisine
(Professor Johan)
Tian Xing Jian
(American Counselor)
Jue Ze
(Lieutenant Collins)