Mircea Albulescu


William the Conqueror



The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

The Job of the Ferret

(Le parrain)

Flames Over Treasures

(Iosif Rodean)

Earth's Most Beloved Son

(inmate "the Greek")

Uncle Marin, the Billionaire

(banditul care a răpit fata)



Starting Over


Beyond the Bridge

(Butcher Huber)

The Son of the Stars


Mercenaries' Trap

(Captain Luca)

Somnul insulei

(Profesorul Fontaine)

At the End of the Line


The Last Assault

(tatal lui Horia Lazăr)

For Motherland

(Col. Mihail Cerchez)

The Long Drive


The Actor and the Savages

(Ionel Fridman)

Youth Without Youth


Michael, the Dog That Sang

Sword Swallower

(Mihai Gherlaş)

Tufă de Veneția

(Redactorul șef)

Beyond the Sands

(Che Andrei)

The Sign of the Serpent



(Inspector de la Siguranta)

The nest of wasps

(Omul necăjit)

The Dacians


Alarm in the Mountains

Hot Days



(Popa Bujor)

Michael the Brave

(Popa Stoica)

The Cyclists Are Coming


The Drake's Head

Forgotten by God

The Prodigal Father


The Idle Princes of the Old Court

(Pașadia Măgureanu)

Operation 'The Bus'

(Securitate Colonel Popa)

Everything is Paid


Tandrețea lăcustelor



The Power and The Truth

(Pavel Stoian)

The Trap

(The Mayor)

Three Secret Letters

(Paul Obreja)

Special Edition


The Man in the Overcoat

(Col. Panait)



Open Path

(Petre Constantin)

The Last Night of Loneliness

Dangerous Turn

(Mihai Androne)

Bird of the Storm

(Adam Jora)

Seven Days


The Investigation


Arms of Afrodite

(Eng. Popescu)

Tragic Vacation


The Canary and the Blizzard

(The Lawyer)

Uncertain Roads

(Octavian Borcea)

Captain's Ion Arrow




Dragostea și revoluția

(Anghel Albu)


(Xaverius vaida)

The Season of Love

(General director of the Mechanical Plant in Brașov)

Too Little for Such a Big War

The Anniversary

(Radu Maligan)

Street of Extinguished Lanterns

Sick Animals
