Anna-Maria Papaharalambous is a Greek stage, television, and film actress. She came into prominence by starring in the dramatic series by Manousos Manousakis Psithiroi Kardias. She is married to actor Fanis Mouratidis and they have two children.
Cheap Smokes
Out of the blue
Love Is an Elephant
Face Control
Shores of Twilight
A Journey to the Stars
Η Επιστροφή
(Έλενα Δελή)
The Oath
(Ηρώ Αναγνωστοπούλου)
7 Thanásimes Petherés
San Oikogeneia
Psithiroi Kardias
(Erato Ranto)
O ios tou patera
Kliniki periptosi
(Αντριάννα Μπάση)
Mpampa Min Treheis
Άρωμα Γυναίκας
(Έλενα Κομνηνού)
Thymata eirinis
Kaneis de leei s' agapo
Το Δίχτυ
(Αντιγόνη Μακρή)