
Lior Shamriz


Japan Japan


Japan Japan










Port Saïd, Santa Cruz, Sarmad Kashani


The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater


The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater


Cancelled Faces


Port Saïd, Santa Cruz, Sarmad Kashani


Port Saïd, Santa Cruz, Sarmad Kashani

(Director of Photography)

Port Saïd, Santa Cruz, Sarmad Kashani


A Low Life Mythology


A Low Life Mythology


A Low Life Mythology


A Low Life Mythology


Saturn Returns


Even a Dog in Babylon Is Free


Fallen Blossoms


Fallen Blossoms


The Cage


Even a Dog in Babylon Is Free

(Director of Photography)

Japan Japan


Mirrors for Princes


L'amour sauvage


L'amour sauvage




L'amour sauvage


Japan Japan


Ho! Terrible Exteriors


Ho! Terrible Exteriors


Ho! Terrible Exteriors


Saturn Returns


Mirrors for Princes


The Cage


Saturn Returns


Mirrors for Princes


Saturn Returns


Fetish Puppies Break Free!


Fetish Puppies Break Free!


The Cage

(Director of Photography)

Fetish Puppies Break Free!


Fetish Puppies Break Free!

(Director of Photography)

The Cage


Saturn Returns

(Director of Photography)

The Cage


The Cage


Mirrors for Princes


The Night


The Night


The Night


The Night
