The Muscovite-Sorcerer
With Fire and Sword
1+1 at Home. New Year
(general's / colonel's / lieutenant colonel's / major's wife)
1+1 at Home 2. March 8
(general's / colonel's / lieutenant colonel's / major's wife)
A Few Love Stories
The Princess and the Beans
(Lyuda (озвучена другой актрисой))
Cruise, or Divorce Trip
Just My Luck
(Валерия (секретарша олигарха))
Three Musketeers
The Black Council
(Cherevan's wife)
Corporal vs. Napoleon
(Madame Golovina)
The Dragon Spell
(Witch (voice))
The Tram #9 Was Going
Sorochyntsi Fair
(actress at the fair)
How the Cossacks...
Moscow. Central District
(Дарья Стрельцова (оперная певица))